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AmeriBar's Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) Course


AmeriBar's MBE Home Study Course is designed to maximize an examinee's score on the MultiState Bar Examination ("MBE") by providing focused course material in a workable format.  The course consists of audio lectures, outlines, and thousands of practice questions. 






Course Outline Book


The MBE Course contains a 500 page outline book covering all of the subjects tested on the MBE.  This book is specifically developed and updated to address the scope of testing of the MBE.  We started with the scope of testability provided by the examiners and refined it with specialized knowledge of testing patterns.  As with all of our materials, the focus of the outline book is on testability.  It covers the concepts that you must know in order to pass the exam.  Listen to sample lectures and view pages from outlines.



Over 40 Audio Lecture Hours



Students of the MBE Course are provided with access to substantive law audio lectures covering all six topics tested on the MBE.  The lectures are available online, so they can be used at home, at work, or just about anywhere that you have an internet connection. The lectures are comprehensive, covering the topics spanning the scope of testing on the MBE.  As with the outlines, the lectures focus on testability.  The lectures covering the MBE subjects are over 40 hours in duration.  Listen to sample lectures and view pages from outlines.



iPod Upgrade Rental Option

Now you can upgrade and receive audio lectures on an Apple iPod Nano. Listen to the course audio lectures anywhere you can carry an iPod.   The iPod rental program is designed to help you take the lectures with you, wherever you decide to study.  For details regarding the iPod rental option, please check our FAQ.


Over 2400 Released & Practice Questions with Answers and Explanations


The MBE Course contains a practice question book with over 1400 released exam questions.  It also includes a book with the answers and explanations for these questions.  The questions include the most recently released MBE Annotated - a 100 question set covering all subjects on the exam.  The questions in the Released Questions book are questions that have actually appeared on the MultiState Bar Examination.  Because they are actual past questions, they are reflective of both the type of question you will face on the exam, as well as the issues you are likely to encounter.  


Bonus Online Question Databank Access


For a limited time, students who enroll in the MBE Course (or Complete Course) will also receive access to AmeriBar's online MBE practice question databank.  The online questions can be accessed by a web browser anywhere an internet connection is available.  Students can complete practice MBE questions online covering any of the MBE subjects, obtain automatic feedback regarding answers, and track their performance over multiple question sets.  The databank contains all of the released questions in the Released Question book, as well as an additional 1000 practice questionsThis $289 value is included absolutely free.


How the Course was Developed

The MBE Course is the product of experience.  AmeriBar has assisted thousands of students pass the bar exam.   We know what students must learn in order to pass the exam.  Additionally, our experts have analyzed thousands of past MBE questions and the scope of testing.   We know what you can expect to be tested on during the exam and our materials have been developed to reflect this knowledge. 

Whether you are an attorney who took the MBE years ago and are just looking for a refresher to take another bar exam, or a recent law student facing your first bar exam, AmeriBar's course is the best option available to help you pass the exam.   

Why the MBE Course Works

The MBE course is effective because it is focused on what a student needs to know in order to pass the exam.  AmeriBar is dedicated to making your study process more efficient.  We have analyzed thousands of past MBE questions and the scope of testing provided by the examiners.  All of the course materials, including the lectures, outlines, and questions, directly focus on this important information, which has been gathered through years of research.

The format of the course also maximizes study efficiency.  The book format of the outlines and released questions provides the student with portability, ensuring that the student can study anywhere.  The convenience of the questions in book format also means that you won't strain your eyes reading from a computer screen.  Of course, if you're technologically inclined, you can also access over 2400 questions in our online question databank.

AmeriBar has helped thousands of students pass the bar exam.  Learn what others already have.  Make your study time efficient and effective.  Enroll in one of AmeriBar's courses.


AmeriBar's MBE Review Course

For a Limited Time Only - $695





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